Sunday, May 11, 2008

Our Party

Last Sunday we had a get together at the house to celebrate Kim's Birthday, Quatro de Mayo, Isabelle's new swing set, and say Bon Voyage to Dave (he was going on a business trip). It was a lot of fun and we had a great turn out. Because we were celebrating Quatro De Mayo (being that it was only the 4th of May not the 5th) we decided to have Mexican food. Dave cooked fajitas on the grill, I made enchiladas, my famous queso, and much more.

The highlight of the party for Isabelle was that she was finally able to share her new swing set with some kids, so far she was the only one to every play on it. Abby, Ashley, and Jack helped break in the swing set. Under the swing set there is a sandbox and Dave and I have been debating on whether or not to put sand in it. I really wanted Isabelle to have the sandbox because last year when we were at the ocean she HATED the sand, so I want to get her accustomed to it before we go again this year. Dave decided to go ahead with the sandbox and filled it up before everyone arrived at the party. As soon as Isabelle woke up for her nap we told her that we had a surprise for her and took her out side. I told her it was a sandbox and to go get it, the first thing that she says is, "no Dirty". The little turd would not get into the sandbox because she did not want to get dirty, it took her all day long to finally get in.

The girl loves cupcakes.................. Ashley and Abby

Jack, Jack..... and of course the famous Aunt Jackie

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