Monday, December 15, 2008

Where are my flowers??

At the dance recital on Sunday my mom and I were talking and mom said that she should have gotten Isabelle some flowers for after her dance. I told her that Isabelle would never know that she didn't get flowers. Mom was convinced that she would see other girls with them and be sad. I told her she was only 2 and would be completely fine with the cupcakes awaiting her at home. Well, I was WRONG! After Isabelle's performance we were sitting there watching other kids dance when Isabelle noticed that everyone else had flowers but her. I tried explaining that we had cupcakes at home for her instead, but she was not having it she needed flowers. Thanks to Grandma (my mom) she stopped at Market Street on the way to eat cupcakes at our house and picked up the diva some flowers. Here is a picture of Isabelle and her treasured flowers:

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