Monday, October 19, 2009

CVS Adventures

The other day Isabelle and I were at CVS and she wanted to try on some Halloween masks. Then she showed that she really knows her Mommy when she said, "take my picture and put it on the blog".. LOL I had completely forgotten about it and before taking her to bed tonight I told her that I had updated the blog and she could look at it when she woke up in the morning. (She is a follower of the blog, she looks at the pictures and watches the videos all of the time) She then asked me if I remembered to put the mask pictures of from when we went to CVS, and I had totally forgotten since they were on my phone and not on my camera. Isabelle, just for you I posted the pictures.. Love you girl!

Oh yeah, and this is the other side of the Halloween outfit I made with the witch embroidered on the front!

Photo shoot at the Arboretum

Today Isabelle and I, along with our good friends Jaime and Kaitlyn went to the Dallas Arboretum for a photo shoot. We did this last year too with the girls, and although it is absolutely exhausting it is incredibly rewarding. Rewarding in that we get great pictures, exhausting because you are fighting with three year olds all day to get pictures. We packed at lunch and headed out, when we arrived we found that we were apparently not the only ones with this idea. The line was crazy, I guess this was the first non-rainy Monday in 5 weeks so people were coming to take advantage of it. It was a beautiful day and perfect for pictures. Here are just a few of the good ones that I got:

There are a still a bunch of them that I need to make a some adjustments too, but these should be good for now!

Ladies and Gentleman it's Isabelle...

I was so proud of my girl on Sunday, it was her very first singing performance =) At Isabelle's preschool they take music classes once a week and they have been working on a song to perform at the service this past Sunday. Isabelle was a little nervous at first but after a couple of rehearsals she did great!

I love how she emphasis the words with her lips, it's hilarious!

Party People

On Saturday we had all kinds of fun parties to go to. We started out at our friends the Smerczynski's house for Haylee's 5th birthday. The party was pirate themed (Isabelle's new favorite) and so much fun! There was a pinata, craft projects, a gorgeous cake and cupcakes, and tons of friends to play with. Unfortunately, I am a moron and forgot to bring my camera. It was so much fun and I hope that Haylee had the best birthday every, we love you guys!

Following Haylee's party (we picked up our camera) and headed over to Isabelle's boyfriend, Jonah's house. Jonah and his little sister Meredith were hosting a Halloween bash! It too was really funny. There was another pinata, bobbing for apples sanitary style (with tongs), mummy wrapping game and Isabelle even got to decorate her own cupcake.

Look at the love birds =) The second picture Isabelle looks a little evil like they just got busted kissing or something.. LOL

Bobbing for apples, and catching spiders with straws

This icing somehow got everywhere; her jacket, her skirt, ME! Oh well, she thought it was yummy and she had fun that's all that matters!

Fertility Update

The theme of the month is SHOTS! Dave and I went in for a consultation with the RE (reproductive endocrinologist) since we are still not pregnant. On our first visit he had told us we should be preggo within 4 months of treatment, but as you can see that did not happen so we had to regroup with him. He said that it could be that I possibly have endometriosis which if that is the case then I would need to have a laparoscopy to see if I had endometriosis and if I did then he would do his best to get what he could off of my fallopian tubes. The other alternative would be start doing FSH injections to boost the amount and quality of the eggs that I produce. The doctor recommended the injectables for now and if they don't work by December then I will go ahead with the laparoscopy.

With all of that being said we started the shots about 3.5 weeks ago. It is a good thing that shots do not bother me but I have to admit by the end of the whole thing I was starting to feel like a science experiment gone wrong. I went in to the doctors office to see how many follicles I had. There were a whopping 10-15 follicles but unfortunately only 2 made it to the grand finale =( I was really hoping for more but it only takes one, and hopefully one of these will actually take. We did the IUI two weeks from this Thursday and so I take a preggo test this week. I am not suppose to take the test until Thursday but I am very impatient so I will probably do it tomorrow, so please keep us in your prayers.

The good thing about the shots is Isabelle and Dave LOVE giving them to me. I have a feeling that a very small part of them will be sad when they don't get to give me shots anymore.. LOL Isabelle transforms into Nurse Isabelle, and she gets to wipe what she calls the "sanitizer" (really an alcohol swab) on my leg. Then Dr. Daddy give ms the shot. The first time that I got the shot in front of Isabelle she stood about 10 feet away and watched, you should have seen the look on her face when Dave shot me. I asked her, "are you ok, or are you freaking out?" She told me that she was fine and then admitted that she was freaking out a little bit because she thought maybe she would be next.. LOL Another time right after Dave gave me the shot there was the tinniest speak of blood so nurse Isabelle was quick to run over with her sanitizer and rub it off. Ever since then before each shot she tells me, "I hope you bleed". What a sweet little girl I have =)

Nurse Isabelle & Dr. Daddy

Tosha's Baby Shower

My sister Tosha is having a baby this month, so my mom, my sister-in-law (Jennifer), and myself all threw a baby shower for her a few weekends ago. It turned out really well and Tosha got a lot of really cute stuff.

The diaper cake I made for baby Sophie.. Tosha and Josh (the babies daddy) with the diaper bag and accessories that I made for Sophie

The blanket that my Grandma made for baby Sophie. Grandma does this for all of the great grandkids, they are so nice=) The blanket that Grandma made Isabelle is her most favorite blankie in the whole world, she calls it "white blankie" and she CANNOT WILL NOT sleep without it. The last picture is of a Christmas outfit Sophie got that is ADORABLE! I am going to figure out a way to duplicate it for Isabelle, obviously a bigger girl version.

Isabelle's Halloween Wardrobe

I have created Isabelle a Halloween wardrobe, so if you see a bunch of pictures lately with her in the same outfit it is because I am making her wear them everyday.. LOL Hey it is a lot of work making these outfits and she only gets a month to wear them so she is wearing them every chance we get =)

This outfit is reversible, unfortunately I do not have a picture of the other side (yet). I am sure that she will be wearing it again soon, I will capture a picture then.

I am so incredibly proud of her costume! I was very nervous wondering if I was going to be able to pull it of, but it turned out sooo cute! Unfortunately the belt is crooked in this picture but that is not the norm =) The patch work skirt was a serious undertaking! I don't think that I have every gathered so much in my entire life, but it turned out really cute as well. I have already purchased a turkey fabric to make a Thanksgiving one, my goal is to have it done before Halloween so she can wear it the entire month of November.

Daddy Daughter lawn mowing day

I am not even going to comment on the fact that I have not updated my blog in forever, we all know it so lets just move on =)

A couple of weeks ago Dave announced that he was going outside to mow the lawn. Isabelle is now in her "helping stage" so she decided that she too was going to mow the lawn. Here are the pictures of the Daddy Daughter lawn mowing day:

Keep in mind that to actually get this picture Dave had to turn the lawn mower off so that Isabelle would get anywhere close to him.. LOL What a brave little lawn mower she is, she just stays on the patio and mows the side walk =)