Monday, October 19, 2009

Fertility Update

The theme of the month is SHOTS! Dave and I went in for a consultation with the RE (reproductive endocrinologist) since we are still not pregnant. On our first visit he had told us we should be preggo within 4 months of treatment, but as you can see that did not happen so we had to regroup with him. He said that it could be that I possibly have endometriosis which if that is the case then I would need to have a laparoscopy to see if I had endometriosis and if I did then he would do his best to get what he could off of my fallopian tubes. The other alternative would be start doing FSH injections to boost the amount and quality of the eggs that I produce. The doctor recommended the injectables for now and if they don't work by December then I will go ahead with the laparoscopy.

With all of that being said we started the shots about 3.5 weeks ago. It is a good thing that shots do not bother me but I have to admit by the end of the whole thing I was starting to feel like a science experiment gone wrong. I went in to the doctors office to see how many follicles I had. There were a whopping 10-15 follicles but unfortunately only 2 made it to the grand finale =( I was really hoping for more but it only takes one, and hopefully one of these will actually take. We did the IUI two weeks from this Thursday and so I take a preggo test this week. I am not suppose to take the test until Thursday but I am very impatient so I will probably do it tomorrow, so please keep us in your prayers.

The good thing about the shots is Isabelle and Dave LOVE giving them to me. I have a feeling that a very small part of them will be sad when they don't get to give me shots anymore.. LOL Isabelle transforms into Nurse Isabelle, and she gets to wipe what she calls the "sanitizer" (really an alcohol swab) on my leg. Then Dr. Daddy give ms the shot. The first time that I got the shot in front of Isabelle she stood about 10 feet away and watched, you should have seen the look on her face when Dave shot me. I asked her, "are you ok, or are you freaking out?" She told me that she was fine and then admitted that she was freaking out a little bit because she thought maybe she would be next.. LOL Another time right after Dave gave me the shot there was the tinniest speak of blood so nurse Isabelle was quick to run over with her sanitizer and rub it off. Ever since then before each shot she tells me, "I hope you bleed". What a sweet little girl I have =)

Nurse Isabelle & Dr. Daddy

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