Friday, August 29, 2008

Potty Day 2

So yesterday went really well and I was so excited! (notice the was) Isabelle went potty in her big girl potty all day yesterday with no accidents.

Today a little discouraging =( I am trying not to let it get me down but it is not working, she went potty in her panties.. Urghh! Yesterday she was bare bottomed all day long and did great. For some reason when she has panties on she thinks it is ok to go potty in them. I explained to her how we don't want to pee pee on Belle (thats who is on the panties from Beauty and the Beast for you non Disney watchers). Next thing you know Belle was DROWNING!

We are now wearing the monkey panties, and I hope that they can stay dry. This potty thing is tough. The worst part is I am stuck at the house, I hate being forced to be cooped up inside the house. Will someone please come visit, bring wine and sushi. Both of those things would really cheer me up.

Here is Isabelle's potty dance from yesterday when she was doing so well, also reffered to as "the good old days". The brown stuff on her face is her potty candy (Hershey's kisses), she had just ate it for going on the potty like a big girl.

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