When we first arrived in San Fran on Tuesday I thought we were staying in the ghetto! Our taxi cab driver was taking us to our hotel and the town was very "colorful" to say it nicely. I was beginning to think I would be spending a lot of time in the hotel alone, because there was NO WAY that I was going out on these streets alone. Thank God as we got closer to our hotel the surroundings became a little nicer. Our first night we went to a restaurant called the Metropol it was wonderful food, but horrible service. I guess the food made up for the lack of attention by the one waitress that they had. I would definately recommend the place to anyone who visits just be sure to stick your head in first and make sure they have more than one waitress that night =)
On Wednesday Dave went to his training and I decided to try out Union Square, what a hear to be a shopping mecka! So that morning I look up Macy's on the internet, check it out on mapquest and I am pretty confident that I know how to get there. I stop by the concierge office and ask him if Macy's is within walking distance, he tells me that it is only 2 blocks a way and should not be an issue. I walk out the hotel and see the street that I have to go on is not a street, but a MOUNTAIN! Oh my gosh, I thought well the concierge said that I can walk this and I guess I will be ok. So start climbing the hill, then another hill until I feel like my heart is going to explode and I am going to pass out. S0 I stop by this nail salon and ask one of the techs were Macy's is. You will never believe what she told me... AT THE BOTTOM OF THE HILL!!! Ahh, so I have now walked up this hill, almost died, and damn near passed out for abolutely nothing. At this point I am seriously second guessing my map reading abilities becuase obviously I am an idiot! Not to mention I am really starting to hate San Fran and all of their dumb hills!! I finally find Macy's (eureka) and right in front of Macy's there is a beautiful heart with a picture of San Franisico in it. I decide to take a picture when all of a sudden this man jumps into the picture and sits right in front of the heart. I thought someone maybe taking his picture so I look around to see who he is posing for. When I discover that the only person pointing a camera at him is me, so I ask, "is someone taking your picture?". He then jumps out of the way and I finally take my picture. After the picture is taken the man walks up to me and says, " I have been following you for the last couple of blocks, and I have to say that I am a stereotypical black male and you look marvelous from behind". Great, now not only have I climbed an unneccessary mountain, almost died, but now someone has to point out the fact that I have a big butt! I finally loose the guy, but I cannot believe my first impression of San Fransisco!!
This first picture is half of the dumb mountain that I climbed (trust me it looks much bigger in real life, and at the bottom of this hill there was another one that I climbed as well) urgghh! The second picture is where the booty incident took place.
So Macy's was very cool, it was 8 stories high and takes up an entire city block. Most of the stuff was very high end, so needless to say I did not get anything (Stay at Home Mom= no $$). All of the stores in Union Square were all high end stores so I didn't really visit any of them (Saks, Nordstoms,etc.). I ate lunch at Wolfgang Puck's Express Cafe for lunch, it was wonderful!
When Dave got back to the hotel we decided to go take a trip to China Town, it is only 2-3 blocks from our hotel. China Town was pretty cool, and filled with lots of neat stores. We ate at this wonderful place called the Empress of China that is a rood top restaurant in the middle of China Town. http://empressofchinasf.com/ The food was wonderful, expensive but I am thinking that is just how SF is. The scenery was wonderful and I took some picture from the top of the restaurant.
The entry to China Town and some images of the streets of China Town
This was from a Bank of America in China Town (if you click on the image you can see the stock prices written in Chinese). Dave posing on the way up to the Empress of China restaurant.
Great view from the top of the Empress of China
This was a beautiful Catholic church in China Town
On the way back from the hotel we stopped at a tea bar and learned a lot about tea, it's heath benefits, how not to put anything in your tea (sugar, cream, etc.), and how tea bags and tea balls are the devil. We ended up getting two different kids of teas and one is allegedly going to help Dave with his cholesterol and is suppose to also help with blood pressure and cleaning your system. I cannot believe we spent $65 on TEA, bright side is it should last you for 6 months!
1 comment:
I too have enjoyed tea for years and I usually use a loose leaf teapot with infuser in the mornings but if I want a quick cup of tea I love this loose leaf tea cup infuser my friend got me. No Tea Balls for me! They just don't allow the tea to expand and fully infuse. I noticed since I threw away my tea balls and starting using this infuser I actually use less tea to make a cup. Not wanting to appear as a tea also but if you try one of these you won't go back to a tea ball again and maybe that $65 worth of tea will last longer than 6 months.
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