Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Kid's Say the Darndest Things

It amazes me the things Isabelle says now that she is getting so big, she is carrying on complete conversations. She definitely get's her talking skills from Mommy...

Me-Isabelle we are going to go to the library, then go home and eat, take a nap, etc.
I- Then ride rides and see fireworks? (She is still on vacation in her mind)
Me- No, rides only come once a year Isabelle
I- "Oh Come on Mommy" (Dave claims that this is a Mommy-ism and I say come on all of the time.. LOL)

The other day I bought banana's and they were a little green but Isabelle wanted one anyways, I gave her one bite and she spit it out and said, "Yucky, I am going to wait until they are yellow Mommy".. How does she know that??

There is more to come, I am just drawing a blank right now.

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