Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Our Week

We have big exciting plans this week that I want to share with everyone.

I am so excited to say that tomorrow is Isabelle's 1st day of dance class. I am so excited!! I think that I am more excited than she is, so I cannot wait. She starts at 4:15, and she will be taking tap and ballet. You can guarantee that there will be pictures of her in her cute little outfit very soon on this blog.

Thursday- I pray this will be a good day!! We are having a POTTY PARTY!! Isabelle is going to sit upstairs in front of the tv on her potty chair all day with a cup of water. I cannot get her to pee/poop in the potty, she keeps waiting until after to tell me. The girl will sit on the potty, no problem, as a matter of fact she loves it but she will not actually go potty on it. So Thursday we are going diaper-less, and are hanging out on the potty all day long until she figures it out. I guess I had better call my carpet cleaner and get an appointment setup. So if you try to invite us somewhere this weekend we probably cannot come because we are becoming professional pee-pee er's... Wish us luck, I think we are going to need it!

1 comment:

The Daily Stroll said...

Good Luck! Jonah goes on the potty a lot but we haven't officially started potty training yet! I guess we need to start pretty soon! I'm just not looking forward to all the accidents!