Monday, July 27, 2009

The Day of the Boo Boo

No vacation would be completely without Isabelle getting hurt, and I have to say that this particular vacation will go down in history. Iz was hurt more on this vacation than any other vacation we have ever had. First she was stung by a mosquito and had a pretty severe allergic reaction, her ankle swelled up twice the size that it normally is. Then she was showing us how she does the balance beam on a parking curb, fell off and scraped her knee and elbow. The big boo boo came when we were at the pool with the Fishers. Isabelle was running to get her towel and ended up in a head on collision with the cement. You can imagine who won. At first I thought it was just her nose but once she finally quit crying she said that her head was hurting a little too. I brushed her bangs aside to find a nice sized knot on her head.

Poor little baby- Luke, Erin and Isabelle

The boo boo's did not end here, Isabelle fell the very next day at Dumsers and hurt her knee. I swear someone is going to bring me up on child abuse soon.

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