Sunday, November 1, 2009

Isabelle's Class Halloween Party

Isabelle had her class Halloween Party on Thursday and of course Mommy organized it. It was a lot of fun, the school had a Noah's Ark themed that they called Ark-tober fest. I had already made Isabelle her pirate costume but the school asked that the kids dress up as an animal from the Ark or as a bible character so Isabelle and I agreed upon a bunny rabbit. Here is the little bunny girl:

The school really did a good job of organizing the party. They had each class host two games inside of their class room and then all of the kids would travel from class to class taking part in the games. Myself and another mom helped in the 3 year old room by doing the face painting. The kids were so cute, of couse we were not professional face painters but we did have some crazy requested. One of those request being from Isabelle who wanted a moose, why in the world would she want a moose? Instead we compromised for a heart.. Another little boy wanted Lightning McQueen, yeah right, instead I painted a bolt of lightning. It was a lot of fun and the kids really seemed to enjoy it. Since it was raining all of the events were inside which was perfect, a bounce house in the chapel followed by a popcorn picnic at the pumpkin patch (aka Mrs. Kiser the music teachers room).

The gold fish filled witches that Isabelle gave to all of her friends for Halloween, so mad at myself for not getting pictures of the cupcakes that I made. Urghh!

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