Sunday, November 1, 2009

Scare in the Square

It was a sad day at the Wink house on Friday. We have all been so spoiled by Dave's job that he never misses anything, he can either work from home, leave early, go in late, etc. but he never really misses any functions or appointments. Well Friday was the first time and as depressing as I make it sound it was totally not a big deal. We had planned to go to McKinney's Scare in the Square but the darn thing went from 4-6pm so we knew by the time that Dave got home and we got to downtown McKinney that it would be over and done with. So Isabelle and I decided to go on our own, Dave was worried that Isabelle would be upset but she could have cared less when she found out there was candy involved.

So on the way we started discussing what pirates say and all week she has been saying "Argg Matie", well on this particular night she told me that they say Arrgg Smartie. I told her that they do not say Smartie and that was when Iz said, "Mom, don't you know that Smartie means Matie in spanish? Maybe you need to take Spanish classes". Well apparently I do because I was not aware of that tidbit of information.. LOL Her and all of the spanish words that she makes up, now she has started to throw in "sign language" on top of the spanish.

When we got there we trick or treated up and down the streets of the heart of downtown McKinney it was really kind of fun. The only bad thing is that none of the shops were open, they have apparently got some new stores since the last time that I have been so now I am going to have to make another trip out there. Iz was not being very patient that night, anytime there was a line with more than 10 people at a particular store she would say "I don't like this line, let's just skip it".. LOL, it worked for me so we would skip the store and go on to a shorter line.

This was our first year there and it was ok, I think that I had a little to much build up you know when people build it up so you expect so much more.. I was a little let down but I am sure we will go again next year, hopefully Dave will get to come then =)

She was so excited about taking a picture with this witch that is until she thought it moved.. LOL It didn't move but you could tell by the look on her face she was a little scared.

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