Thursday, January 29, 2009

Mama Mia

Isabelle and I went to the mall today. Each trip to the mall requires a ride on the carousel. I took this oppotunity to get Isabelle to show off her singing skills.

We just recently watched the movie Mama Mia and absolutely LOVED it! I downloaded the soundtrack and now that is all we listen to in the car. Her favorite songs are Mama Mia and Honey, Honey. A girl after my own heart =) I think we will go for Grease or The Sound of Music next. Grease maybe a little riskay for her right now, oh well The Sound of Music it is!


pinkspope said...

"Mamma Mia" ROCKS!! I LOVE that glad to hear you're a fan!! I grew up with ABBA as my favorite group, BTW...I sang along with the movie at the theater and at home now, too

pinkspope said...

Also, took your advice...Now have a blog as Pope-pourri, with pics as the Pope-arazzi. I started to blog the other way around and just changed it today. Wanted to give you kudos for the great names!!