Friday, April 16, 2010

School Easter Program

Isabelle is horrible at keeping secrets, but when it came to her school program you could not get her to tell you any of the songs that they were going to sing. She was so sweet, every time that you asked her she would just tell you that it was a surprise and you have to wait and see. When the day finally came she spilled the beans that the reason she would not practice her songs in front of us is because she was afraid that if she told us that we would not come because we had already heard her sing them. What kind of parents does she think we are? Of course, we would come to see her sing she is the light of our lives. It brings me such joy to see our little angel singing God's praises, I almost cried during the entire program it was just so precious.

We caught the whole thing on the camcorder so unfortunately I cannot post it to the blog =( Good news is that we will have the video to show it at her wedding, in many, many, many, years to come.

Oh the bangs, I will have you know that I did cut them before Easter.

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