Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Day 2- Wink Family Constuction

I almost forgot to mention one valuable lesson I learned that I want to share with everyone on Day 1 of construction. When the weather man calls for rain do not take pictures of people outside with the flash, it scares them into thinking its Lightning and sometimes you get yelled at.. LOL Sorry Pop Pop and Daddy!

Ok, so back to day 2.. At this point Daddy and Pop Pop are pretty sore, and I think they maybe getting tired of this darn swing set. The only thing keeping them going is Isabelle's sweet smile, thank goodness she's a cutie. Luckily all they have left is the bench seat under the swing, adding the slide, the roof, and hanging the swings.

Isabelle was pooped so she was taking a nap when they started but once she woke up she was surprised to see she finally has a SLIDE. YEAH!! She then opts for another mini cupcake, courtesy of Pop Pop and then gets back to supervising. Isabelle did not like the sound of the drill, it was to loud and scary so every time it was turned on she would yell, "Daddy, Quiet!!".

Construction is over, with the exception of some minor level adjustments and we now have the happiest toddler on the block! Thank you bunches Daddy and Pop Pop, your hard work really paid off.

Back on the job again.. The cake sure if good here!!

Dad you looked stressed, over worked and underpaid... Mom Mom!!

I finally have a swing, "Dad, Pop Pop, that wasn't so bad was it??"

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