Monday, May 11, 2009

Hiney Talk

The theme of last week was Hiney's (aka bottoms), ahh the joys of a three year old. Isabelle had a few potty accidents which is out of the ordinary for her so I was startting to worry that she might have a bladder infection. I decided that I had to go to the doctor and see if these accidents were caused by a bladder infection or if she was just getting to wrapped up in what she was doing to take time to go potty. Not to mention I was scared that I was putting her in time out and taking away her computer for an infection that she could not control. We went to the doctor, pottied in a cup and she is fine. Yeah! After the doctor we went to Wal Mart and Isabelle had a sticker on her dress from the doctors office. The cashier started to ask her about the sticker and I knew I was in big trouble, an open door for Isabelle to share her personal information. Isabelle started telling the lady that she had to go to the doctor because she was having hiney problems and about how the doctor had to look at her hiney to make sure that everything was ok, blah, blah, blah. Luckily the lady just laughed a little and then told Isabelle that it was ok and that everyone has hiney problems sometimes. As loud as could be Isabelle yells, "Mommy she has hiney problems too", right in the middle of Wal-Mart. Don't you just love this age?

It doesn't stop there though. I had a sonogram appointment at the fertility doctor on Saturday. Dave really wanted to be in the room to see what they found on the sonogram (naturally), but it was a vaginal sonogram so I had Dave sit with Isabelle behind me so she was out of eye shot. I guess while I was in the changing room Dave and Isabelle had a conversation about what the sonogram was looking for. (Eggs) Later that night we were at Dave's aunts house when Isabelle started asking all kinds of questions:

I-Where in your hiney are the eggs, Mom
M-They aren't really in my hiney they are in my belly
I- Do the eggs crack? How do the eggs get there? How does the baby get there? I want eggs and a baby in my belly?

Oh my goodnes! So we ended up having an extremely vague explanation of the birds and bees. So many questions for such a little girl.

If you are a mom of a toddler I am sure that you can also relate to the public bathroom talks. It seems like everytime I take Isabelle to the pubic bathroom that by the time we leave someone in the bathroom is laughing in histerics over something that Isabelle has said:
-Mom why is that lady tooting?
-Why does it stink in here?
-Mommy here is more toilet paper. Your hiney is not small like mine, you need extra.
- I see your hiney (that one is saved for when Mommy has to go potty too)
- That lady has A LOT of poo poo
I always look forward to the weekends when Daddy gets to take Isabelle to the bathroom instead of me. I can only imagine what she says while in the boys bathroom.


The Daily Stroll said...

LOL! Oh my goodness! That is hilarious! She is too funny!

Jaime said...

yes the bathroom talk is always entertaining!!! and glad you don't have eggs in your hiney! hehe