Friday, October 24, 2008

Full Force Terrible 2's!

I knew it was inevitable that my sweet little angel would turn into a nightmare, the day has arrived! I think she has pushed Dave and I to our breaking point, so she will be spending the majority of her waking hours in time out.

First of all, she has turned into a little teenager. Suddenly she has turned into a back talker, her new favorite saying, "IN A MINUTE". I cannot begin to tell you how tired I am of hearing "in a minute", every time you ask her to do something. How do you teach a 2 year old not to be a smarty pants? Hopefully time out can cure that.

She has been sleeping in her big bedroom lately which I thought would cut back on the mischievousness. Wrong Mom! Now she sneaks out her big room and into the old bedroom where she gets into everything! Tuesday I go upstairs because it sounded like she was a sleep on the baby monitor but I could hear the pitter patter of little feet. I find Isabelle in her old room, clothes all over the room, and it reaks of baby lotion. Then she tells me that all of her babies needed lotion, so she took it upon her self to lube up all of the babies with a hefty helping of lotion. How sweet!

Wednesday I hear water running upstairs and find the bathroom completelty soaked, the counter, the floor, towels, books, etc.

Thursday Dave gets home from work and decides to go get her up from her "nap". I say "nap" because that is not really what it is, really all she is doing is playing around for a few hours there is no sleep involved. When going up to her room he finds that she has again been in her old room and pulled out every last one of the wipes out of their container and threw them all over the room, along with a bunch of clothes. It get's better wait.... She also took toothpaste and squirted it all over her bed. Urghhh.

Now Isabelle is going to be locked in her rooms for naps. I am going to put a child safety gate in front of her door, and a potty seat in her room. What more could she need?

Being mom to a two year old is rewarding in so many ways, good thing is that my patients has really improved. I am sure that I will look back on this when she is older and say how cute it was, but for now I will just continue to mop, clean up toothpaste, and wipe lotion off of all of Isabelle's babies.

1 comment:

Jaime said...

ahhhhh that is funny, but not for you I know!! So sorry! I have a friend that puts a childproof door handle on the inside of her daughter's room. Might see if that works. . .