Wednesday, October 29, 2008

When I get older

On the way to dance this afternoon Isabelle strikes up a conversation:

I- Mommy, when you get older do you want to be Dr. Laura? (we were listening to her on the radio at the time)
M- Sure
I- I want to be a guy when I get older
M- Isabelle you cannot be a guy when you get older, you are a girl
I- No, I want to be a man when I get OOLLLDEERRR (I guess she thought if she spoke louder and slower it would make more sense)
M- Isabelle you cannot be a man
I- Because Why?
M- Because God wants you to be a girl
I- Because Why?
M- God make you a little girl instead of a little boy, so when you get older you will be a woman not a man
I- I want to be a man
M- Isabelle you can be anything you want to be, but you cannot be a man
I- Ok, I want to be the moon
M- You can't be the moon
I- Because why?
M- You have to be a person, like a doctor, a nurse, a dentist, a teacher not a thing like a car, or the moon, or a tree
I- I will be a princess
M- Perfect, you can be a princess. I like that!
I- A guy princess
M- Let's just listen to Dr. Laura and we can talk about it later

Speaking of listening to the radio, the other day at lunch Isabelle starts to sing a song but I did not recognize it (at first) so I thought she was just making up words like she does all of the time. She kept saying, "I like it, I like it". Next thing you know she says, "I kiss a girl, I like it, I like, it".. Ahh, we always monitor language but not content! Looks like we are going to be listening to Christian music or XM Disney from now on. First she is singing a song about being a lesbian and now she wants to be a man. I am doing a great job!!

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