Wednesday, September 17, 2008

My Creative Weekend

So while being all doped up on pain medicine and desperately needing a root canal I managed to once again bite off more than I can chew. My sister, Ashley, and my dad share the same birthday (Sept. 15th) and so I volunteered to make the cupcakes for my sisters birthday party on Saturday. After cutting out 60 candy ears, dipping 180 pieces of spaghetti in chocolate, and counting out a ton of M&M's, these are what I came up with:

Not only did I do cupcakes but I spent hours making a last minute gift for my dad. He has to be one of the hardest people to shop for, so earlier in the week I was racking my brain as to what to get him. Finally I came across a magazine where a women made a t-shirt quilt when it dawned on me that would be a great present for my dad. He lost a ton of weight a few years ago and has a bunch of Harley shirts that he does not want to part with. So I spent a couple days knocking out a quilt.. Take a look, I was so proud of it:

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