Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Say Your Pregnant

I have to say that there is nothing worse in the world than tooth pain. For those of you who have never been there, just take my word for it. Not only does your tooth throb but your jaw hurts, your ear hurts, then your whole day is just ruined. You would think that the smiling face of a sweet 2.5 year old would cure you, but this is too big for even a cutie like Isabelle. Not to mention when you have all of these symptoms she makes things a little worse, with her constant talking, and two year old behavior. I love her to death, but I would highly recommend shipping your toddler off to grandma's house when you have a tooth slowly dying in your face...

So my tooth was killing me and I went to the dentist to find out that he was going to give me a antibiotic and painkillers and see me in a week. Word to the wise, when you break a tooth or feel like you might need a root canal lie and say you are pregnant. I broke three teeth while pregnant with Isabelle they fixed them the very same day, there was no antibiotic call me in a week!! So I begin the antibiotic and by Monday by face is all swollen, which was not even a symptom I had on the Wednesday before. Come to find out the infection has bored through my jaw bone and worked its way into my neck... What, that sounds awful (should of said I was pregnant). Then the dentist proceeds to tell me that now I have puss coming out of my gums, leaking into my mouth. Now I noticed that I had a bit of a bad taste in my mouth, but I didn't think it could possibly be something so gross. Why can't they just spare me the details and DO THE ROOT CANAL.

So it is now Wednesday night (one week from my original appointment), I have my root canal scheduled and I am soooo dreading it. Tomorrow is the big day and there are so many more things that I would rather be doing. Again another reason to just say you are pregnant, you don't have all of this dreaded build up to the procedure.

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