Friday, January 1, 2010

Can you believe this??

I could hardly believe it either?? I was suppose to take a pregnancy test on Friday but instead I woke up on Thursday morning after telling Dave the night before that I was going to take the test a day early. I completely was NOT expecting to get a positive result. I had already talked to the doctor about what our next step would be, researched IVF and was fully prepared to start with the IVF process. I had pretty much given up on the thought of actually being pregnant. Anyway I woke up Thursday morning and had to pee sooo badly. When I woke up I one of my contacts had fallen out in my sleep or something, which has never happened to me (so weird). So I am in a frantic race to get pee with only one functioning eye I am trying to read the direction on how to take the test. (Seriously, at this point I have taken over 30 test throughout the past 20 months of trying I am an expert at the test taking process but I still feel the need to read the direction because maybe I have been taking the wrong?? I don't know whatever). I do my business, set the test down and within 30 seconds look down to what I think is 2 LINES!! I frantically cover the eye that I have no contact thinking that maybe I am seeing double because there is no way that I am actually pregnant! I run into the kitchen to have Dave verify and HOLY COW there are 2 lines, we are actually pregnant!! This was exactly a week from my birthday, what a wonderful birthday gift... Thank you GOD!

It would be nice for me to tell you all of the creative ways that we told the family and Isabelle about how we were finally expecting but it would all be lies! We were so excited and after 20 long months of trying we called EVERYONE! There was no waiting, no special way of surprising them, just tears of joy calling people to share our good news.

I have to say that I have been so nervous about the whole thing. I have had so many friends and acquaintances that have had miscarriages recently that I have been terrified. Now at 10 weeks and after seeing two sonograms of a baby with a heart beat I am feeling a little better. It is just so scary to think that we could loose a baby after such a long time of trying but so far everything has gone beautifully, so we expect one sweet cuddly baby on or around July 29th! Yeah!

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