Tuesday, May 13, 2008

My baby in the Hospital

What a day my poor baby has had! Last night Dave was at an HOA meeting and Isabelle and I were home having a relaxing night when all of the sudden Isabelle started throwing up. She did not even express that she was feeling bad, just started throwing up out of no where. All night long she threw up and we finally took her to the doctor this morning. They gave her a Fenagrin suppository and that did absolutely nothing. Poor baby could not keep anything down, she ate a sucker at the doctor (the only thing she had to eat all day long) and it up within 10 minutes. We were giving her Tsp at a time of water and that to was coming right up, the girl couldn't even keep her own spit down. Finally after no wet diapers ALL DAY, we called back the doctor, took her in and they recommended that she go to the hospital.

Once your stomach gets completed dehydrated (which hers was) there is no way possible for it to keep anything down, therefore you must have an IV. Not to mention when we took her in at 9:30 this morning she was 21.7 lbs and by 2:30 she was down to 20.6 lbs. The IV was a nightmare and it took all that I had not to just break down and cry with her. I feel so sorry for the baby.

But here we sit now, she is a sleep, and swollen with all of the fluids that they have been pumping through the IV. She had 4oz. of apple juice and 3oz. of jello, and I do not think I could be more pleased. If she keeps up the good work she should be home tomorrow morning, so please keep us in your prayers.

I forgot my camera (as you can image there was a lot on my mind), but I did manage to get a few pictures with my web cam. Can you see her little arm cast for her IV?? Poor baby.

1 comment:

The Daily Stroll said...

Poor baby! We will keep Isabelle and you guys in our thoughts and prayers tonight! We hope she feels better soon!!